Today is Earth Day, a time set aside to celebrate the Earth, learn about the environment, and promote conservation. EARTHDAY.ORG’s theme for Earth Day 2022 is Invest in our Planet focused on accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone – governments, citizens, and businesses – to do their part. Everyone accounted for, and everyone was accountable. You have a part to play and can begin by doing something really simple.
As a Motorcoach company, a sustainable form of transportation, we’re proud of our contributions to the planet but are always looking for more ways to help. We’ve come up with a list of easy ways you can help, too!
Reduce your waste
Use a reusable bottle or cup for beverages on the go, even if cans and bottles can be recycled, they require a lot of energy to be produced and shipped to the bottling facility and to the store.
Remember to use reusable grocery bags (remember to add “Bring Bags” to your grocery list each time, and keep some in both your car and at home).
Compost! As much as 25% of items in the trash can usually be composted.
Curb your use of paper such as mail, paper magazines, and paper receipts. A lot of places offer digital receipts and subscriptions.
Dress in Earth Friendly Fashion
Did you know you can dress sustainably? Here are some tips on how to easily dress for the Earth’s success:
- Shop secondhand. Buy pre-owned clothing from thrift shops, consignment shops, vintage sources, and online resale shops. This reduces waste from the overproduction of new merchandise.
- Buy fewer, better-made clothes. Only buy clothes you know you will wear many times because they look good and fit well. Mix and match items to create many different looks.
- Shop locally. Buying clothes locally reduces carbon emissions from shipping while supporting your local economy. You can also buy unique handmade accessories from local artists!
- Go natural. Buy clothing made with natural fabric fibres instead of synthetic fabrics. Natural alternatives to synthetic fabrics include cotton, linen, bamboo, flax, jute, silk, wool, and alpaca. Avoid polyester, nylon, spandex and acrylic, which are made from petroleum, a high-emission fossil fuel.
- Buy organic. Buy clothing made with organic fabrics when you can. You’ll play a part in reducing the use of pesticides and herbicides as well as keeping the Earth’s water sources clean.
- Shop for sustainable brands. Do your research. Choose ethical brands that care about the environment, pay their workers fairly, and are transparent across their entire supply chain – not just one part. You’ll be taking business away from companies that pollute our planet in favour of ones that care about people and the Earth. them.
- Shop for quality over quantity. Check the workmanship of your clothing. Check seams and zippers. Shop with durability in mind even if it is somewhat more costly. Investing in well-made clothes will save you money in the long run by not having to keep replacing items.
Eat Sustainably
Fight climate change with diet change! We often hear about other ways to fight climate change, but did you know that global meat production creates more greenhouse gas emissions than every plane, train, and automobile in the world? Lowering our consumption of foods from industrial animal agriculture is one of the best ways to help the planet. Most calories and protein we feed to food animals are used for survival by the animals rather than converted into edible meat. The Beyond Burger requires 93% less land than a beef burger. With more land, we can grow enough food to feed our growing population and still allow hundreds of millions of acres to return to carbon-storing forests. What better way to slash our carbon footprints and reverse climate change than over a burger? Just make sure it’s plant-based.
Pick up Litter
While you’re walking or running, do your part by picking up litter and throwing it away properly. Better yet, organize a clean-up of your neighbourhood. Cleanups are a fun and easy way to amplify your impact on Earth Day or any day. Check out Earthday.org for resources on how to organize your own!
Travel responsibly
One of the most efficient ways to lower your environmental impact is to travel responsibly. We know that as we come out of the pandemic, the urge to travel has increased. But consider a trip to somewhere you haven’t been in your own province. Not only does this reduce emissions but you’re supporting a more local economy, particularly when local businesses have been hit hard by the pandemic. Also, when you do travel, whenever you can, choose a more sustainable way to get from A to B. Compared to airplanes, trains or cars, Motorcoaches have the lowest carbon footprint by reducing the number of cars on the roads every day. If you choose a bus instead of driving your car, emissions can be reduced by up to 85%. Check out our own sustainability facts on our website.
Use your voice
Whatever you do, share your story, it just might inspire others. Take a photo, showcase an event, or create a message to show how you are investing in our planet. It can be an activity from the past, something you are doing in your home, or a message you want to share with others. Together, we can showcase ways we Invest in our Planet in our daily lives.